Almost three years ago I was lucky enough to meet the three lovely girls above.
A year later Ms. Stephie was introduced to the bunch.

We've been through our fair share of drunken nights together, tears, laugher, and grown a whole lot in that time. They helped me come out of my shell. They helped me become the person I am today.
Stacey, Jen and Steph graduate tomorrow and begin there lives officially as adults. Stacey has a potential job offer working for a greeting card company that is just her style. Jen has a starting job working with delinquent boys :) Steph is moving to Boston in the fall to start another grand adventure. And good ole Tannah has another year of school to go.
I want all of you girls to know that I've had so much fun with you over these last few years. I hope we keep in touch. You've all been wonderful friends. I'm sorry if in the last few months I haven't been the best friend.
We have so many good memories to cherish. That I will remember forever. MWAH to you all.