This is Jen. She's not just the typical tall hot blond. She is really busy with soroity stuff sometimes and we miss her. Right now the poor girl feels sick and I feel bad. Jen like's snowboarding and is always up for a good dance party in the living room when we have wine nights. We are failing bio together. She's a pyshc major and she can pretty much read your mind. Keep smiling Jen and feel better.

This is Steph. She likes to pretend she's a dirty pirate hooker. She's never afraid to be herself and sponatneously yells about things she's excited about. We have good convos in our living room that usually end up with one of hysterically laughing. She could watch Finding Nemo everday and probably not get sick of it. Jack is her squishy and they are quite possibly the cutest thing ever. Basically Steph should one day be model. Keep that face in mind and you know you'll see it sometime in the future.

This is Stacey. She's my wine buddy. She likes art and never fails to find design flaws in anything and everything she sees. She's pretty much paranoid that everything is always gonna go wrong...but that's why I'm here to lighten up her pessimistic views. Stacey's the mom and rarely a day goes by without one of us refering to her as mommy Stacey. Stacey and I like to make barfing noises to things we don't like and make it sound like Chunk from the Goonies. Careful boys she's taken at the moment. She's gorgeous, tall and skinny and always up for a good convo about the most random things.

This is Tannah she's not really my roomate but she was last year. She's more of an honorary roomate and she uses that futon in our livingroom more than anyone else. She likes beer, pizza, and bagels. She likes to laugh at my stupidity and I at hers so it's all good. I don't see enough of her anymore but this weekend she'll be around and by around I mean not really mentally there but at least she'll be here in costume. YOU AND YOUR PIZZABAGELS!

These our our pumpkins!From left to right...Stacey, Steph, Me, Jen. HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone...well almost.
hahah you know me too well. thanks for listing my 3 top favs in order. go take a shower.
Hi, Ali!! This is your grandma!!! I'm watching your life, so better be careful!! (Just kidding.) Love your photos, it's evident that you're having a good time and fashioning your future!!
I love you very much, and look forward to the next chapter in your life!!
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