We then looked for some way to contribute to the Tibetan freedom from the oppressive Chinese. What we found was this website dedicated to students looking to support Tibetans.
We bought these

it's a bracelet made by a Tibetan nun to raise awareness. The short blurb it comes with includes the something to the effect of....Today it is worn as an expression of endurance and defiance against the Chinese government. I always wish I could do more for things like these but at least these people are in my thoughts. Hopefully their fight to maintain there culture results in peace and an even stronger Tibet.
These girls are on my mind a lot recently.

The one on the left is of course my sister and the one on the right is Gretchen, one of my sister's friends. She was around our house a lot in the last couple years I was in high school and was always so sweet and smiling. She's struggling with her health and I hope she knows she's in my thoughts and I know she can overcome this because she has already overcome SO much.
I love you both if you are reading this!
Until we meet again memories are all we have.
I miss getting comments from people.....so leave some about things or people on your mind or whatever you feel.
<3To all those I miss<3
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