Look at that sucker he's getting pretty close to my window;)
So I just wanted to say, I have the best friends. I love talking to all of them and I love that they are always there for me. Best of all I have friends all over the country and although some of those westcoasters are far away and we lose touch it's always so much fun when we see eachother again. I am SO incredibly excited to go home! There are some people I'm gonna see that I haven't seen since I graduated and I've missed them. So hopefully it works out to see them.

Remember these days! 4 more classes and a test and I'm FREE!
Love you Ali! sorry we haven't gotten to talk lately, time just flies by and I'm always doing something, can't wait to see you and catch up! xo
jeeze i can't believe you were that close to the tornado. scary stuff. wow. haha i like this whole blog thing. i might get one... maybe. what have you been up to?
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