Sunday, June 14, 2009

Nothing like a Whitney Houston belt out session to get the creative juices flowing.

It goes without saying that this blog has been on the back burner for some time now. I'm really hoping that this is the time that it will finally be rejuvinated. I think we could be of use to each other. My explorations feel minimal at this time as for the past 6 weeks I have been spending the majority of my time behind the walls of Paul Fredrick. While this is not my idea of how I would be spending the majority of my time it has allowed me other means of exploration, for you see I can never stop :) or at least I must not. I find it difficult to spend my time not working at a job I am being paid for so I do my best to keep occupied with the work flow but at times it is rather scarse. After awhile of staring at a screen the shirt I am looking at becomes less and less easy to solve. I have to match the color of the actual shirt to the shirt on the screen. At this point I know I need fresh eyes. So here's where the exploring begins. I have become an avid reader of the New York Times. I even check out a few of their blogs on a daily basis.... Bitten, a blog about food, Green Inc, and Paper Cuts to catch up on my contemporary literary knowledge. The last one also informed me that Jeannette Walls, the author of one of my favorite books, The Glass Castle, is writing another book due out in October. Anyways I find myself exploring the world through the internet. Although maybe it's not the ultimate dream I had in mind for myself, it suits the situation. All of this research hopefully helps me to find the path I'd rather be taking. For now I'm going to do my darndest to make the best of this job situation and work on keeping myself happy off the clock as well. In those times of discovery on the interent I will take a moment to come share it with my very few loyal fans who check back every so often just to see if my voice as a writer is anywhere to be found. It's been doing a lot of relaxing lately but now it's about time it comes out of hibernation.

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