Thursday, April 30, 2009


I moved my room around.

I guess I was hoping it'd feel like a fresh start. And it does. It also feels like an end. The feelings I've felt within the last couple days were unexpected and sentimental. Throughout this semester I've never felt scared about being thrust into the adult world full of responsiblity where fun often takes a back seat. Probably because I had already been living that life. Mostly. But today it feels like my few things I'm grasping onto in order to feel like this is home are slowly slipping away. Now I'm not saying this is completely a bad thing though because I think it's the change that I need. We all know how much human nature objects to change. It's not natural to feel like things aren't comfortable although in the outcome you will feel that way again or at least a general feeling of happiness. I'm working on making peace with this end and moving forward with my new beginning. It does feel like it all happend so fast. I guess it would help if I keep telling myself that since I got through the horrors of Rome I can get through just about anything.

1 comment:

OLiVE Pocket said...

yay change! love the new spark that has you blogging more as well as the revamp to the site. congrats on the work portion of your college career being finished! can't wait to see you walk! i'm really excited for you, ali!