This was the cutest movie I've seen in a long time. I loved it. So many cute moments between people whether it was father/daughter, woman/little old man. So worth watching I can't wait to see it again. We even got to eat Taco Bell after it was a good night.

Look at that face. I woke up this morning and walked down the stairs and that cute little face was staring at me. I swore I was in the wrong house for those few seconds it was just me and the dog but this would have been difficult since I wasn't drinking last night and I know I went to sleep in my own bed. Then Jen came around the corner and explained it was her friends dog, Roxy. So I decided to watch her and she crawled under my bed and curled up and ever once in awhile made a whine just to remind me that she was there and needed some attention. She's here till 4 and I must say it's making me miss my puppies so I'm glad I'm going home in a few hours to do laundry and see my pups.

This is my new tattoo. It's the OM symbol and it hurt and I love it. I'm only sad that I can't wear my new heals tonight to the yearbook dinner. Shame.Well I'm excited for this week because I only have two finals and I'm sad to say see ya later to some people but at least I'll see them again. Enjoy your finals week all.
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