Today is world AIDS day so take a moment to think about how lucky we are that we live in a country where we have access to prevention methods against AIDS. It's also the beginning of December and the weather is still warm...who would have thought. I think I'm gonna where my inspi(red) shit today.
I'm proud of myself for writing some of my bio paper and all too happy that I didn't go to classes today. Starting tomorrow I'm being productive and motivated but tonight is for living it up. Pour me a glass of wine.
I miss singing. I haven't been doing enough of it.
I could go for chai tea!
I'm not into labels and I'm glad what we've got is nothing forced what will be will be will be...if that makes any sense. Although I feel like I still don't really know you.
Sometimes I feel like expect too much out of life.
I'm starting to look forward to winter break there's so much I wanna do. It'd be cool if we got some snow sometime in the not too distant future.
SMILES to all
still warm in december? it is COLD here, well it just started getting a little warmer, but it snowed buckets, and school was canceled for two days, and it took me 13 hours to get back to bellingham on sunday...UGHHHH, an unbelievable story,happy weekend!
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