I'm officially home for a month. I'm starting to realize this is a good thing. I need some time to myself. My parents are having a holiday party for the people my dad works with tonight. The house looks beautiful! On the plus side if I get too bored I saw a bottle of Jack and some other liquors that could come in handy. It's always weird to come home to a house that was never really my home. I've spent a total of about 6 months in this house in my whole life...kinda weird. I'll post pictures tomorrow. Goal for the holiday: EXERCISE I've been neglecting that badly since I've been busy but now I no excuse. Don't worry people it's not because I think I'm fat I'm incredibly comfortable with my body. Anyways I'm looking forward to this time for sorting things out and exploring new places around here. Can't wait for my lil sis to come on Tues. Best of luck to all you north westerners who are struggling with no power and strong winds. It'd be cool to see some snow here soon. Nothing like flurries to make a girl smile. Ok I'm done with the corniness. Friends if you are trying to call my phone realize that it's really shitty and I get no reception in these woods. Try other ways of contacting me. Happy Holidays everyone!
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